Health Professionals Institute:

The reason medical care is at the forefront of our foundation is because we have seen firsthand how the world becomes a better place because of it. For MLC’s vision to work, the people hired in healthcare need to not only be well trained, but also have an innate desire to never stop learning. People and healthcare are very similar in the sense that they both evolve over time as new practices and technologies emerge. Trained medical professionals need to be able to adapt to medical needs changing rapidly over time. In order to do this, it’s paramount to create an environment where trained health professionals can continue to hone their existing skills while creating new ones as well. Our CEO dedicates her life to creating this environment through the  Health Professionals Institute (HPI). HPI has created over 5,000 registered medical professionals since the founding of the program and will continue to train people so they can adjust to the rapidly changing needs of society. To learn more please visit our website.


After training our professionals through HPI, the biggest thing we want to ensure to our students is that they will be able to find a job. For someone newly trained in the medical field, finding a job isn’t always the easiest task. To ensure our medical professionals the best possible experience we have created the Dependable Staffing Agency (DSA). DSA understands that the transition from schooling to career searching can be a difficult one, which is why we expedite the process by making sure our students get the highest paying jobs of any staffing agency in the area. We make sure that our professionals are a perfect fit for each of our clients, which is why we have been able to maintain professional relationships with numerous health care facilities over the years. To learn more or see about potential job openings, visit our website.

Abacus Kids:

While medical care has always been at the forefront, our CEO has always had a soft spot for kids. Being a mother herself, Madhuri recognized how important it was for children to have a safe learning environment but also realized that sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances, that environment isn’t always promised. A study published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development found that children of higher income parents increased their vocabularies at twice the rate of children in poverty. Additionally, delays in brain development are 1.3x more common in children who live below the poverty line than those who don’t nationally (Link).  The right to a fair education should never be gatekept from any child. This is why we created our own branch to the Genius Abacus Kids Academy. Through our branch children can brush up their skills in a variety of subjects such as math, vocabulary, spelling, and computerial skills. We believe that any person can become a genius as long as they have the right environment and instructors around them to help them reach their unbridled potential. To learn more visit our website.